Crib Notes

Crib Notes – Fall 2017

After a wonderful summer vacation without schedules it is now time to get back into the swing of things.  To some little ones this can be a tough transition and to many parents a very stressful one as well. Here are some great tips to help make it easier on everyone!

Getting back into routine:

Having a great bedtime routine is very important and the first step. This helps your little angel to accept the feeling of being sleepy, helps you to learn the best timing for sleep and it is also where your angel can have wonderful bonding time with you.  It only takes three days to break a crutch and three days to introduce a new one, so watch all that you are doing as you teach your little angel to fall asleep without needing you to do anything.  You can reintroduce the method that you used before, to get back on track, or use a new method that you find best fits your comfort level and parenting style.  Be consistent!

Time Change:

With fall time change approaching here are some ways to help:

Tips & Tricks:                                 

Here are some of my top tips and tricks that my clients have found helpful!

Soothing Angels offers some great packages if you have a few questions that you need to ask or some quick help getting back on track!

Call us today to have everyone sleeping well tonight!

Sweet Dreams!
