Improve your family’s sleeping habits

The one thing that makes a parent’s job so much more difficult
is lack of sleep; both for the parents and children.

Sleep Services

I will help you to gently coach your baby to learn to sleep through the night. By gently, I mean not having them cry it out alone. We will work together to teach your child to fall asleep independently and stay in bed all night.

Do You Recognize The Following?

  • you dread bedtime and/or naptime;
  • getting your child to sleep takes most of the evening;
  • you must use rocking, nursing, or singing to get your little one to sleep;
  • your own lack of sleep is affecting the type of parent you want to be;
  • your child gets out of bed and comes to your bed in the middle of the night;
  • your baby will only fall asleep in your arms


Soothing Angels sleep-consultant-association

Certified Maternity & Child Sleep Consultant ™

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I teach parents how to introduce positive associations with sleep to their little angels.  Little angels will be introduced to learning great sleep habits as gradually as Mom and Dad need – we will choose a method that best suits your family.

Soothing Angels | Sleep Consultant Soothing Angels Feature One

All ages are able to learn gentle sleep shaping skills so they will always have restful sleep habits.  You will learn what to expect in terms of resistance to change, what will come up in the future that can interrupt great sleep skills, and how to get back on track if needed.

Soothing Angels | Sleep Consultant Soothing Angels Feature Two

With the right coaching from Mommy and Daddy, your little angel will have this very important skill to fall asleep on their own and get themselves back to sleep in the middle of the night.

Soothing Angels | Sleep Consultant Soothing Angels Feature Three

I will help you and your little angel improve your days by improving your nights!

Soothing Angels | Sleep Consultant Soothing Angels Feature Four

Truthfully, Heather was more wonderful than I ever expected… she turned out to be much more than just a sleep coach. She helped me get through one of the darkest times of my life… (like a therapist and friend combined). I am SO grateful for all of the advice, support, reassurance and encouragement she provided… and can’t imagine having gotten through this without her help.

Natalia M – Shane 5 months; Arlington, VA

Help your little angel sleep

Restful sleeps for your children improves their day and yours.
Find out what I can offer you and your family.

Who I Am Services